What’s Easier, Building Muscles Or Losing Fat?

Andy Vincent Personal Trainer Online

Answering this one isn’t going to win me many friends but….it’s easier to lose fat than it is to build muscle. 

Why? More things need to be aligned to build a significant amount of muscle over time.

I know there will be pushback on this for some individuals’ previous experience, and I’m not discrediting that. All I will say is it’s very hard to measure what is actual muscle gain and what’s localised swelling, plasma and glycogen storage from bouts of training.

When it comes to the laying down of new muscle that doesn’t happen quickly. So if you think you gained muscle quickly in a few weeks or a month then it’s very likely it wasn’t muscle it was more likely one of the above. Also, some people simply don’t want to gain muscle so any small increases feel like a big negative. 

On the other side of this conversation. Losing fat is easier only from a mechanical standpoint. It’s really hard from an environmental and behavioural aspect because we’re surrounded by very high-energy-dense food. Eating low energy drives hunger signals through the roof and staying in an energy deficit for 4 weeks + is mentally really tough. 

Losing fat is really hard in itself, it’s only the mechanisms that stand far apart

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