Broccoli Pasta

Focus eating for performance, not eating for fat loss

I generally find when someone focuses too hard on the result of fat loss they naturally tend to undernourish on the days that they exercise by eating too “clean”. I understand the logic behind it, you’ve trained hard so you want to eat well and have the salad without the dressing and snack on a few seeds or veggie sticks. However on days you are training you want to make sure your energy is high prior to working out and to refuel after the sessions. These are the days you should eat more, not less.

Try and eat protein at each of the three meals you sit down to and get your carbs in pre and post workout, depending on the time of day you train this could be porridge, toast, fruit, sushi. Then you can switch your focus to “being good” on the days you are not exercising.

If you are smart with planning your week you can match the days that you have a client lunch or catch up with your friends to a day you are exercising, then the bowl of pasta you fancy turns into the perfect post workout meal and not something you feel guilty about eating.

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