What's The Best Ratio Of Strength Training To Cardio For Fat Loss?

Andy Vincent Personal Trainer Online

We know that physical activity uses energy, so it’s a logical conclusion that whatever activity uses the most energy is the best for fat loss.

The problem is that exercise activity is such a small part of the overall amount of energy we use daily, so it isn’t a place you need to overstress your focus.

Trying to burn more and more energy through training continuously isn’t practical. You can’t train every day, and you can’t train long enough to make a dent in the amount of energy needed to create sustained fat loss.

Nutrition always has to be the focus when it comes to fat loss. Then exercise can be the thing that supports it. So, rather than the best ratio, think of what each training modality gives you. Strength and increased muscle mass or aerobic capacity, heart health and lung function, which of these do you want more of? And most importantly, what do you prefer and will stick with consistently? 

The reality is, that increasing your overall physical activity is the most important thing. Weight training is great because it helps preserve muscle as you lower the amount of energy you are eating which is probably one of the most important things to consider. So I would always recommend doing 2-3 x strength training when reducing your calories. 

Cardio should be thought more about daily movement, getting out for a walk or cycling 2-3 x per week. It hasn’t got to be HIIT or hard runs. There is a delicate balance with physical activity. The harder you train and the more you do, the more your body will look to create homeostasis with energy intake. Hormones leptin and ghrelin will be impacted, and you will notice a rise in hunger. 

The key takeaways are nutrition is number 1, strength training to preserve muscles while eating at lower energy intakes, being active but don’t go nuts with hard cardio and monitoring hunger levels.

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