What Are The Best Exercises To Improve Posture?

Andy Vincent Personal Trainer Online

Every week a version of this question comes up in my Q&A so it’s time to make a post on the topic.

I wish it were as simple as just listing a few exercises to fix any perceived issue with posture but you have to appreciate the complexity of posture. We can still alter posture over time, and it’s often some of the first feedback clients give after starting exercising but this is where coaches need to be a bit more honest. We 100% cannot say with complete faith which exercise or group of exercises did it. 

Considering things like breathing have a massive impact on posture too, potentially, the improvements in someone’s posture are down to improving cardiovascular function, or reducing stress and getting better sleep could be a contributing factor. 

Posture is part of the package of health. So I’d be less focused on ‘fixing’ it specifically and more focused on making changes on lots of fronts to:

  • Have a balanced strength training program 
  • Over a year, bring in a variety of exercises and skills 
  • Move as much as possible outside of the gym
  • Allocate time to do proper mobility sessions (not just your token gesture warm-up)
  • Spend time breathing and learning to relax
  • Think about how often you are “stuck” in a particular posture (sitting or driving), and do movements to oppose these “stuck” positions 

If you have a question for me, please feel free to join in my weekly Q&As which I host on my Instagram channel

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