How to Overcome A Plateau In Strength Training

Andy Vincent Personal Trainer Online

There are some essential things to consider:

  1. Have you been going up through the loads quickly – potentially, the current load you are struggling with is too heavy for you. Check your ego and go back a bit to master each weight.
  2. How long have you been at this top load – it’s common for people to get stuck on weight for 2-3 weeks and think that’s a plateau. It’s not! It’s simply what always happens when you train close to your max. Get comfortable with three weeks at a load to really “own” that weight before progressing it.
  3. What’s your form like on the lift at that weight? Are you hitting the correct squat depth? – if your form is not good on the weight you are trying to progress through, you have no right to think about progressing it. Either drop the load or spend the next 3-5 weeks getting the form locked in.

An uncomfortable truth might be that you have been too impatient in your journey, adding load to the bar and not focussing on ensuring you have mastered every incremental load increase that came before this top weight.

Of course, if you have been taking it nice and slow and have hit a plateau, please check out the video to see what I suggest to try to keep working through the loads. 

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