Master the Basics - Hitting Your Daily Protein Target

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

Protein has been a hot topic for the last few years, so much so that every food company under the sun now labels products as “high protein” or attempts to add additional protein into their products (often that would not naturally be in them).

But how much protein do you really need to be consuming?

  • The UK government recommends 0.75 grams of protein per kg of body weight daily, based on the sedentary population not being involved in intense physical activity. 
  • The current fitness guidelines line state between 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day.

So how much should you be eating?

You have to be mindful of where your current protein intake sits. If you naturally eat a low-protein diet, getting up to the UK government-recommended intake is a perfect start.

It is important not to shift your diet too rapidly as this can (a) cause some GI tract distress and (b) cause some stress and a feeling of being overwhelmed with food choices. It is good to make changes gradually. 

  • The 1.6-2.2g range is fine for anyone already consuming a moderate amount of protein. The benefits of protein do not scale with the more you eat; going over 2.2g is unnecessary for most people.
  • The higher 2.2g of protein is advisable during a “cut”, where a calorie deficit is being adhered to. In this situation, your body is running at low energy availability and, therefore, will turn to stored energy for fuel. Your muscles are made up of stored proteins, and these proteins convert into energy through a process called glycolysis. 

So when trying to lose weight, adhering to a higher protein intake is suggested, especially if the overall deficit is relatively low. It is also worth noting that resistance training and a higher protein diet are required to create a stimulus to help preserve muscle during the “cut” / diet phase. 

For general health and muscle building, you can sit more around the 1.6g intake, but stay calm if you are nowhere near where I’ve stated. Take your time to increase your intake, getting used to the alterations required to eat more protein in your meals.

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