Do You Have To Do Strength Training?

Andy Vincent Personal Trainer Online

I get many messages from people who think they should do strength training but don’t enjoy it. So, do you have to strength train? 

I have to be careful of my own biases when answering this question.  First things first, get consistent. If you are consistent with exercise and have been for 3-6 months, and you want to start being more focused on what you do, then you can bring in other forms of training.

The benefits of strength training come from having force placed on your body, which is then adapted to. The more force you can manage, the fewer injuries you will sustain, the more mobile you’ll become, and the easier everyday tack will be. Strength training is one way to apply force, but there are others.

Think of strength training as putting into your savings or pension for later in life (quote “borrowed” from @faey), to safeguard your body and joints. 

You don’t have to do strength training. Here is my bias kicking in. What I will say is what I often see people do when starting a “strength training” program is something that looks more like a pseudo-bodybuilding or powerlifting workout. Within strength training, you can bring in another aspect from different training modalities like gymnastics, pilates, yoga, athletic performance etc. 

First and foremost, be consistent and do a lot of what you love, and then if you can find a way to slot some strength work into your week, then that would be an awesome upgrade to your training. 

If you have a question for me, please feel free to join in my weekly Q&As which I host on my Instagram channel

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