Do Men And Women Need The Same Training To Build Muscle And Strength?

Andy Vincent Personal Trainer Online

As much as the mechanisms for hypertrophy (mechanical tension, molecular signalling and muscle protein synthesis) are the same between the sexes, there are some unique differences. Women can build strength and hypertrophy on the same plan as men, but it is not necessarily the optimal way to do it. 

The key differences are: 

  • Women have better blood flow.
  • Women, generally have a greater proportion of type 1 to type 2 muscle fibres. 
  • It’s also hypothesised that due to higher levels of estrogen, which is anti-catabolic (stops the breakdown of tissue), women are protected against muscle damage and damage to the sarcolemma.

What does this mean?

  • Women often perform better on higher rep training and can manage more total training volume, more total reps and sets per week.
  • Women usually need less rest between sets  
  • Women seem to respond better to slower tempo lifting but conversely don’t do as well with too much fast explosive work.
  • Women can manage higher training frequency (more sessions per week).
  • As women can tolerate metabolic stress better it’s possible to superset the same body parts without a drop in performance.

But before you get too carried away, individual differences between the sexes are huge and these are simply some general principles. There are plenty of women who need long rest periods and can’t tolerate high-volume training. 

As always, as you train listen to your body. Find out for yourself where your natural strengths lie and tweak your training accordingly. Remember that over time these things will change – just to keep you on your toes!

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